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APH Grants in Herpetology for 2019

We are pleased to announce that the first edition of the “APH Grant in Herpetology” will be made available in 2019 to support one project of up to EUR 500 orientated to the filling of distributional gaps of the amphibian and reptile species in Portugal. The jury will be constituted by the members of the APH Council, that will evaluate the applications. Priority will be given to those addressing mapping priorities identified by the APH. The decision will take into consideration:

[if !supportLists] 1. Distributional – Mapping gap to be filled – compared to relevant and existing mapping data

[if !supportLists] 2. Reliability of the extent of the area to be covered given the grant budget

[if !supportLists] 3. Likelihood of success

[if !supportLists] 4. [endif]Costs and time table (expenses for the project, material, other costs (e.g. petrol))

[if !supportLists] 5. Why APH funding is needed.

Precondition of application is active APH membership status (with membership fees paid until 15 March 2019). Council members will not be applied for the grant. Applications from young researchers are particularly encouraged.

The deadline for applications is March 20th 2019 and they should be sent to the APH Council (e-mail: as PDF files and should include the words “APH Grant application” in the email subject line.

Applications should include:

- A short curriculum vitae (CV) of the candidate.

- An outline of the project, including a time table, the goals that are intended to be achieved and the means for reaching these goals.

- A financial plan (mainly covering transportation costs) including a statement on other financial supports for the project and should include a statement on why APH funding is being requested.

Please send your application in a single document – maximum of 4 pages (excluding CV). In addition, provide a copy of the payment of the APH membership for 2019. Only complete applications will be considered.

A decision on the applications will be taken on 15 April 2019. The grant will be provided on the understanding that the funds are used exclusively for the purpose that they were requested. The grant will only be provided after sending to the APH the necessary research license authorised by the Portuguese Conservation Institute (ICNF). Within two weeks of the decision, the applicant would need to provide a brief summary of his work (100-150 words) along with a portrait picture to promote the grant and the project in the medias (APH website, Facebook etc). By submitting these materials, the grantee allows APH to freely use this material. Finally, a small report with the relevant shapefiles (or gpx, kml or kmz) will be submitted to APH immediately after the project has been completed until December 2019. Moreover, research supported by the present grant needs to be acknowledged in the associated publications.

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